We worked with Publica to produce ‘Making London Child-Friendly', a report for the GLA advocating putting the needs of children and young people at the forefront when designing our cities, something we're very passionate about here at Erect. The report illustrates the importance of enabling independent mobility in the urban environment and highlights the need to incorporate safe and accessible routes for children and young people, so that they can practice their right to move freely between high quality, safe and inclusive spaces that are accessible for all. It also contains case studies and advice for different stages of planning and implementation, from policy making, and participation, to design and management.
'For children and young people, the rights to play, to gather and to participate in decisions that influence them are enshrined in the United Nations' Convention on the Rights of the Child. Although it can be helpful to talk about the benefits that their physical presence outdoors might bring to a community, such as reducing obesity and increasing safety, children’s independent mobility is a right in itself, rather than a means to other outcomes. There is real value in movement for movement’s sake, even if it's just cycling around the block. We need to better understand how children use space to get around; by ignoring the ways they behave we do them and society a great disservice.'
Dinah Bornat, Mayor's Design Advocate and 'Young People and The City' Sounding Board Chair
'A London that works well for children and young people will be a London that works well for all of us. Whether at the scale of the street, the neighbourhood or the city, we must move away from an approach that is just about ‘play provision’ and embrace the potential of London’s urban environment to plan and design spaces that put children and young people first'
Joanne McCartney, AM, Deputy Mayor for Education & Childcare, and Jules Pipe, Deputy Mayor for Planning, Regeneration & Skills
The full report can be read here.